Daily Bible Reading

February 29, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

Do you meditate on what you have “in Christ”? Why or why not?

Paul listed four things he found. What are they?
Do you find evidence of them in your life?

How are these things helping you in your relationships?


February 27, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

Jesus defined His closest relationship as those who did what the Father in heaven wanted done. How do you define your closest relationships?

Based on Jesus’ criteria, is there someone you should be spending less time with? More time with?

Who could be helped in their walk by spending more time with you?


February 25, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

God says that our relationship with Him is the most important relationship. How are you developing your relationship with Him?

In what ways have you seen God test your love for Him? How did you handle this testing?

Has your love for God ever been greater than it is today? How can you get back?


February 22, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

Matthew 18:15-35

We are told to pursue reconciliation, even if we are the one who has been hurt.
How do you usually respond when someone hurts you?

Do you typically make only one attempt to reconcile? In our example,
several attempts are made. How can you do more to reconcile and
strengthen your relationships?

What motivates you to forgive others?

How has your awareness of God’s forgiveness helped you with your relationships?


February 20, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

1 Corinthians 8

In our passage, how someone behaves concerning spiritual convictions can affect their relationship with others. Have you ever experienced this?

How should we behave with those who are less mature in their spiritual walk?

God calls offending the less mature sin. How have you viewed this and how can you behave differently moving forward?


February 18, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

Genesis 4:1-10

How does your relationship with God effect your relationship with others?

How does sin effect your relationship with others?

What relationships do you need God to impact?


February 15, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

1 Peter 1:13-2:3

How are you preparing yourself for the discipline necessary
to grow in your salvation?

Do you ever consider how God will judge your behavior?

What is your level of desire towards spiritual maturity? How can you increase it?


February 13, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

Romans 6:15-23

Do you ever feel enslaved to sin? How does this passage free you from this lie?
Do you find yourself offering up parts of your life as a
“weapon for unrighteousness”?
What can you do to change?
How does grace change your behavior?
What fruit are you producing that results in sanctification (setting you apart to holiness)?


February 11, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

Ephesians 5:8-17

Are you a child of light in the Lord? If you were asked, can you tell
how this happened? When? Where?

In what ways has your walk moved from darkness to light?

How can you pay better attention to your walk?


February 08, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

Revelation 3:19

Were you ever punished as a child? Did you deserve it? Did you learn from it?

Have you ever had to correct or scold someone out of love? (Keeping a child from touching a hot stove!) Were they grateful for the correction at the time?

In what area do you think God would like to correct you right now?