April 02, 2020 Bible Reading & Questions

How can you love God with all your heart?
How can you love God with all your soul?
How can you love God with all your strength?
How can you love God with all your mind?
How can you love your neighbor as yourself?
And now for the really hard question….WHO IS YOUR NEIGHBOR?
Not the person who lives next door….
or across the street….those are definitely your neighbors….but WHO ELSE?
What is the name of the person that you politically disagree with the most?
THAT is your neighbor. What can you do to love them today?
What is the name of someone who has been dishonest about you? Because THAT PERSON is also your neighbor. How can you love them today?
What is the name of someone you have hurt?
Because THAT PERSON is your neighbor. How can you love them today?
Pastor Mark writing this, and I’ve never added a personal note to
my questions before, but I am this time. If someone has hurt you….
I’m not talking about hurting your feelings or letting you down by forgetting something….I’m talking about those hurts that are serious…
someone has physically hurt you, done emotional or psychological or sexual or relational damage to you, someone who is DANGEROUS for you or your family to be around…those people are your neighbors too….and Jesus wants you to love them….BUT….He would NOT want you to put yourself or your
children or family in harms way in order to love them! Pray for them.
Forgive them (or pray for the ability to someday forgive them!).
Refuse to have a negative gossip type conversation about them.
They are still your neighbor, and you can still do things to SERVE them without compromising your safety and well being!